Sometimes, you may need eyelid surgery to improve your facial appearance. Although the surgery is straightforward, getting the desired results is not always a sure thing. If you want to succeed, here are some helpful tips to follow before and after the procedure.
Choose the Right Surgeon
Eyelid surgery is not a complicated procedure, but that doesn’t mean you should ignore professional treatment. Keep in mind that it’s your face we are talking about, and any wrong move could result in devastating consequences. So, it’s important to take your time when looking for the right doctor. To be safe, look for a doctor who at least meets the following standards:
• Certified and approved by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons
• Years of experience offering eyelid surgery
• Works in an accredited facility
• Can show results from previous patients
• Has no history of malpractice
Consult Exhaustively
Like any other surgery, it is important to consult with the surgeon in detail before undergoing the treatment. This ensures you’re the right candidate, have realistic expectations, and are prepared for aftercare. Sometimes, patients overlook this important consideration and end up hurting themselves after the treatment. So make sure you ask as many questions as possible before undergoing the treatment.
Rest Your Eyes
After the treatment, it’s important to allow your eyes to rest. Since they will tire easily, you should reduce activities that strain your eyes, like watching TV, staring at your tablet screen or computer for long hours, reading, or texting. The best way to limit these activities is by creating a set time for each task. In addition, you could pass your recovery time by listening to podcasts and audiobooks instead of reading.
Keep Your Head Elevated
Keep your head elevated for a set amount of time after your eyelid surgery. This prevents unnecessary issues from occurring. Similarly, be cautious when bending over to lift heavy objects and place pillows under your head at night to keep your head up.
Eyelid surgery is one of the most sought-after cosmetic treatments. If you want to enjoy great results for as long as possible, follow these simple tips. To learn more about the treatment, please visit Nuance Cosmetic Surgery in Folsom, CA and speak with a specialist. Contact us today to schedule an appointment. We are proud to offer our services to clients throughout the Sacramento, CA area, and we look forward to speaking with you!