If you’ve been working out to tone your midsection and reduce stubborn fat but still can’t achieve your ideal appearance, we want to introduce you to the tummy tuck. We offer this customizable surgical procedure at Nuance Cosmetic Surgery in Folsom, CA to transform your midsection in a way that even the healthiest and most active lifestyle cannot.
How Does a Tummy Tuck Differ From Other Forms of Abdominal Cosmetic Surgery?
A tummy tuck is a procedure also known as abdominoplasty. It’s one of the most common cosmetic procedures scheduled by men and women who want to tighten and tone their midsections. What makes it different from other cosmetic surgical abdominal procedures is that it addresses loose skin, the abdominal muscles, and stubborn fat.
Liposuction is another popular procedure that’s scheduled to improve the appearance of the midsection by contouring the area and suctioning fat directly out of the body. Abdominoplasty is different from this and other forms of abdominal surgery because it takes a three-dimensional approach, improving the midsection by addressing skin, muscle, and fat.
What Is Abdominoplasty?
Abdominoplasty is a procedure we schedule to meet the needs of men and women in the Sacramento, CA, area who want to reverse how aging, significant weight fluctuations, gravity, genetics, or one or more pregnancies have affected the appearance of their midsection and their confidence.
The surgical procedure transforms the midsection by eliminating excess skin and tissue that causes drooping or sagging, removing stubborn fat cells that won’t respond to diet and exercise, and correcting weak abdominal muscles to tone and add definition to the area.
A Customizable Procedure
One of the reasons that the tummy tuck is so popular is that it’s completely customizable. At Nuance Cosmetic Surgery, we never take a one-size-fits-all approach when designing surgical treatment plans; instead, we discuss each patient’s goals and concerns to create the right plan for their needs. Some patients may need a full tummy tuck, a version of the procedure that addresses the upper and lower abdominal area.
Others may need a mini tummy tuck, which addresses loose skin and stubborn fat below the belly button. There are different versions of abdominoplasty, and our surgeon will discuss the variations with you and help you determine which will meet your exact needs.
What Are the Benefits?
Patients who undergo a customized tummy tuck will achieve a flatter and more contoured midsection. The results are meant to be permanent, and the procedure can be custom-tailored to eliminate stubborn fat throughout the abdominal area, remove excess skin that causes your midsection to droop or sag, and tighten the abdominal muscles to improve muscle tone or create visible definition.
It will improve the midsection in a way that exercise and dietary changes cannot, and will make your clothes look better, improve your body contours, and boost your confidence. It can also be combined with other cosmetic procedures like breast augmentation, a breast lift, body liposuction, and others to address multiple areas of concern during a single procedure.
What Happens During the Procedure?
During a typical abdominoplasty, Dr. Sumida will remove excess skin and tissue, use liposuction techniques to remove excess fat cells, and contour your midsection. He will also tighten the abdominal muscles to strengthen them and correct diastasis recti if necessary. Once he completes all of the details outlined in your surgical treatment plan, he will close any incisions with sutures, and you’ll begin the recovery process.
What Kind of Recovery Should I Expect?
After your procedure is over, Dr. Sumida will apply the necessary surgical dressings or a compression garment to your abdominal area to accelerate the healing process and minimize swelling. While you will spend time resting, you will also be encouraged to begin moving relatively quickly after your procedure is over. Walking encourages the natural healing process and helps you resume your daily routine faster.
Aside from walking, you must refrain from physical activity for the first ten days and strenuous activity for the first six weeks. You’ll need to attend follow-up appointments with Dr. Sumida and the surgical team, during which they will evaluate your incision sites and check on your progress. Most patients can resume light office work within the first four to five days, but surgeons typically recommend that patients typically rest for at least two weeks before returning to work.
How Long Will the Results Last?
The results of this procedure are meant to be permanent. Still, some factors can affect the longevity of your results. Patients who undergo this procedure are advised to avoid weight gain since any significant changes in body weight can cause remaining fat cells in the area to expand, negatively impacting your results. It’s also important that women who undergo this procedure are done having children since an additional pregnancy after abdominoplasty will also negatively affect the procedure results.
Who Is a Good Candidate?
The best candidates for a tummy tuck are patients in good general health who have reached a stable weight and have realistic expectations about the procedure and the outcome. Ideal patients must understand the importance of following the aftercare instructions, be non-smokers, not plan on becoming pregnant after the procedure, and understand that avoiding weight gain after the procedure is the key to maintaining results long-term.
If you’re interested in a tummy tuck to reverse the effects of aging or genetics on your midsection, restore your pre-baby body, tighten your abdominal muscles, and eliminate loose or sagging skin resulting from pregnancy or significant weight loss, we can confirm your eligibility for this procedure and proceed with the process. We’ll design a surgical treatment plan that addresses every area of concern and help you transform your midsection.
Achieve Your Ideal Midsection
Abdominoplasty is a cosmetic procedure that can do what your lifestyle can’t. It will give you a confidence boost while tightening and flattening your entire abdominal area. If you live in the Sacramento, CA, area and want to learn more about this procedure, we can answer all your questions. Contact us at Nuance Cosmetic Surgery in Folsom, CA, to schedule your initial consultation.