At Nuance Cosmetic Surgery in Folsom, CA, we are passionate about helping our clients restore the self-confidence they once had and have always deserved. We are proud to offer a wide variety of cosmetic procedures designed to help our clients reach their aesthetic goals. Today, we’re talking about one of our most popular procedures, male breast reduction surgery, sometimes referred to as gynecomastia surgery.
Male Breast Reduction: What Should You Expect?
Before your procedure begins, we will inspect your chest to verify that the planned incision sites are not irritated. If you have a sunburn, infection, or any other form of skin irritation, your procedure will be postponed for your safety and comfort. If you are ready for surgery, we will use an antiseptic to sanitize the incision locations and administer anesthesia to keep you comfortable during your procedure. After that, Dr. Kenneth Sumida will make two small incisions.
Usually, these incisions are hidden around the areola, but it is also possible for the incisions to be placed discreetly under the armpits. The ideal incision locations for you will be determined during your initial consultation. Dr. Sumida will take into account your personal preferences and the goals you are trying to achieve with surgery. Through your incisions, excess tissue will be removed, and the remaining tissues will be sculpted and tightened as necessary.
Which Type of Anesthesia Is Right for Me?
Typically, general anesthesia is recommended for men with good heart and lung health who need additional procedures, like liposuction, performed at the same time. It is generally advisable to get local anesthesia if you only need your chest appearance enhanced. Additionally, you will need to get local anesthesia if your heart or lungs are not healthy enough for general anesthesia.
How Long Will My Procedure Take?
We will advise you on how long you can expect your procedure to take during your initial consultation. Surgery times vary based on several factors, including the severity of your gynecomastia, the technique used to perform the procedure, and whether you also need to undergo other procedures. Generally, gynecomastia surgery can be completed in one to three hours.
However, you should be aware that you can’t go home immediately after surgery. Once we have finished manipulating your chest tissues to provide you with your ideal results, we will close your incisions and dress your wounds to mitigate the risk of an infection or any other form of irritation.
How Soon Can I Expect to See My Ideal Results?
You will be able to notice an improvement in the appearance of your chest as soon as your procedure is complete. However, you will not be able to enjoy your ideal results until you have recovered from surgery completely. For most men, the healing process takes several months, but it can take up to a year.
How Long Can I Expect My Desired Results to Last?
In most cases, the results of male breast reduction surgery last forever. However, in certain cases, follow-up procedures are necessary. The most significant factor affecting how long you can expect your desired results to last is the cause of your gynecomastia. If you suffer from gynecomastia due to a medication, like steroids, that your doctor advised you to take, if you don’t stop taking that medication, you may develop male breasts again.
There is also a chance that you will need a follow-up procedure if you developed gynecomastia due to an extreme hormone imbalance and don’t get treatment for your imbalanced hormones. Note that it is a good idea to live a healthy lifestyle and maintain a stable weight if you want to enjoy your new physique for as long as possible.
What Should I Expect During My Recovery Process?
You should only need to take three to seven days off from work to recover from your gynecomastia surgery. However, there will be numerous restrictions during the first two to three weeks following your procedure. For example, you will not be able to lift anything that weighs 11 pounds or more, and you should not engage in any vigorous physical activity until you are sufficiently healed.
What Can I Do to Recover Faster?
If you’re anxious to recover from surgery as quickly as possible, there are several steps you can take to help yourself heal. For example, you can speed up your recovery significantly by getting plenty of rest. Ideally, you should sleep when you feel tired and wake up when you are sufficiently rested. If possible, avoid setting alarms and try to sleep through the night. The more consecutive hours of sleep you get, the more time you will spend in the REM stage of sleep.
This is significant because it is during REM sleep that your body heals itself most efficiently. Another effective step you can take to recover faster, and see your final results faster, is to wear your compression garment as instructed. Depending on the scope of your procedure and other factors, you may need to wear this garment for two to four weeks after your procedure. Other highly effective steps you can take to heal faster include:
- Staying hydrated
- Eating nutritiously
- Not smoking
- Not drinking alcohol
Am I a Good Candidate for This Procedure?
You need to attend an initial consultation to verify your candidacy for this procedure. However, there is an excellent chance you will qualify if your cosmetic concerns are caused by excess glandular tissue rather than excess fat. If the appearance of your chest is caused by a significant amount of excess fat, it is likely that you will be considered a better candidate for liposuction.
Who Doesn’t Qualify for This Procedure?
You will be considered a poor fit for this procedure if you suffer from a medical condition that affects your blood’s ability to clot. Additionally, certain heart problems may disqualify you. It is imperative that you are able to follow all preparation guidelines, including not taking any drugs or supplements that cause blood-thinning. If you are on such a drug, you will need approval from your doctor to stop taking it temporarily.
Moreover, you may not qualify for this procedure if you suffer from obesity. Often, obese people are not healthy enough to undergo cosmetic surgery, and you may not be able to achieve your desired results if you have obesity. Similarly, it is essential that you have realistic expectations about the results of surgery.
How Should I Prepare for Gynecomastia Surgery?
Some gynecomastia surgery preparation steps vary. For example, you will need to fast for eight hours prior to surgery if you need general anesthesia to remain calm and comfortable during your procedure. If you only need local anesthesia, you will not need to fast. There are, however, rules that apply to every man considering breast reduction for men. For example, you will not be allowed to consume alcohol or tobacco products for 14 days prior to your operation.
Am I a Good Candidate for LIposuction?
You may be considered a good candidate for liposuction if you are at or near your ideal weight but struggling to eliminate excess subcutaneous fat from your chest or other areas. We will discuss all of your concerns and goals during your initial consultation to determine whether male breast reduction surgery, liposuction, or both procedures are required for you to achieve your desired results.
Note that you may be considered a good liposuction candidate even if you do not need a significant amount of fat removed from your chest. It is not uncommon for men to get male breast reduction surgery to enhance their chest appearance and get liposuction to remove excess fat from either their chest or other regions of their body. In some cases, men get gynecomastia surgery and liposuction in several areas including their chest and:
- Flanks
- Hips
- Thighs
- Buttocks
- Back
How Long Does Liposuction Take?
Liposuction usually takes one to three hours to complete depending on the scope of the procedure.
Schedule Your Initial Consultation Today
Generally, male breast reduction surgery takes one to three hours to complete, and it is performed under anesthesia, so you don’t have to worry about feeling any pain or discomfort. Most of the time, the results of this procedure are permanent, but gynecomastia recurrence is a possibility in some cases. If you are in the Sacramento, CA area and considering this procedure, contact us now at Nuance Cosmetic Surgery in Folsom, CA to schedule an initial evaluation.