A tummy tuck is a popular name for abdominoplasty, a surgical procedure that removes excess skin and fat from the abdominal area. The procedure also tightens muscles if they have been separated or weakened and creates a firmer and smoother abdominal profile. There are several conditions to be a good candidate for a tummy tuck starting with good overall health.
To be a good candidate, you should consider the procedure because you are not happy with the appearance of your abdomen. In general, if you are physically healthy and are at a stable weight, have realistic expectations and are a non-smoker, you may be a good candidate for a tummy tuck. It is still surgery and should be done because you want it and not because of pressure from others.
There are two main reasons why a person may have excess skin and fat around their waist and abdomen. For women, the reason is often the result of one or more pregnancies. However, both men and women may have a flabby middle if they have lost a lot of weight and have not been able to firm up the muscles through diet and exercise. Some common reasons to consider having a tummy tuck are:
• Heredity – some people are genetically prone to having protruding abdomens
• Age – the skin and muscles naturally become weak with age
• Pregnancy – only after finishing childbearing should a woman have a tummy tuck
• Prior surgery – there are surgical procedures that may leave your abdomen muscles weak
• Significant weight loss – sometimes even a rigid exercise regimen cannot firm the abdomen muscles enough
If you are planning significant weight loss, you should achieve it before you consider a tummy tuck. Along with tightening the muscles, liposuction may be combined with abdominoplasty to remove small pockets of fat that have not been lost through dieting and exercise.
When you have a consultation with our specialist at Nuance Cosmetic Surgery, you can learn more about the procedure and if you are a good candidate. If a tummy tuck is a good option for you, there are some simple things you will be asked to do before the procedure.
If your abdomen bulges outward or hangs down over your pubic area, a tummy tuck may give you the flat abdomen you desire. Let Dr. Sumida at Nuance Cosmetic Surgery in Folsom help you decide if you are a good candidate. We happily serve clients in Sacramento. Contact us today to schedule a consultation for abdominoplasty!