You’re so frustrated. You have worked really hard to get the body that you want. You went on a diet and started an exercise kick. The weight came off, but some of the fat decided to stay. It’s clinging to your buttocks, your abdomen, and your thighs. You just want to look good in your favorite pair of jeans and feel great about yourself. When your own efforts to eliminate fat have not been completely successful, it is time to seek the assistance of a professional. Turn to our plastic surgeon and open the door to liposuction.
A Simple Solution to Eliminate Fat
You are not alone in your struggle with resistant fat. It is common to have stubborn fat in problem areas of the body. If you have lost a great deal of weight or you have been pregnant, you are likely to see fat hanging on even though you have reached your goal weight.
When targeted exercises and healthy eating aren’t enough to get the desired effect, liposuction works. During the procedure, our plastic surgeon can skillfully remove unwanted fat from your trouble areas. After you have fully healed, you will be admiring your figure without those unwanted bulges of fat that have been getting to you. Your clothes will fit better and you will feel better about what you see every time that you catch your reflection.
Is Liposuction the Best Alternative for You?
Liposuction can help you if you have reached the weight that you want to be, but you still struggle with resistant fat. If you still need to lose weight, you need to come up with a plan that works to shed those pounds first. If you gain weight after your procedure, you are going to have deposits of fat building up again in the same places. Liposuction will get rid of fat permanently. But you must take good care of yourself to avoid weight gain in the future.
Find Out How Fat Removal with Liposuction Could Work for You
Don’t get frustrated about that annoying fat anymore. Find answers and take action. Schedule a consultation at Nuance Cosmetic Surgery in Folsom. Once you have been examined, our surgeon will be able to advise you about liposuction. If it is the right option for you, you can get ready to watch that fat disappear.
The team at Nuance Cosmetic Surgery happily serves men and women in Sacramento, Folsom, Citrus Heights, and the surrounding areas. Contact us today to schedule a consultation for liposuction!