There are a variety of eyelid surgeries that can be done in order to help a person achieve a particular goal. One such procedure is Asian eyelid surgery. One of the key goals of this surgery is to help an individual achieve a wider eye area.
One of the main reasons why an individual is interested in getting eyelid surgery is because they realize that their eyes and eyelids are one of their main features. They are a very central part of their appearance. For this reason, individuals are interested in looking their best, no matter if that means getting rid of droopy eyelids or using eyelid surgery to expand the eyelid space.
Asian eyelid surgery is appealing to individuals of Asian descent because they have very unique facial features. For the most part, they have eyes and eyelids that are different from individuals who are of Caucasian or other races. It has been estimated that more than 50 percent of individuals who are Asian only have a single eyelid structure. This means that there is not an eyelid crease above their eye. The purpose of Asian eyelid surgery is to give an individual a crease in their eyelid.
This procedure is considered very modest when it is compared to other forms of plastic surgery. Only a small amount of skin is removed. Of course, there are going to be factors that will need to be considered for each individual. These factors will include the age of the individual, if they’re having other cosmetic procedures done and if fat, tissue and skin need to be removed as well.
When it comes to any kind of surgery, particularly surgery that is done on the face, most individuals are concerned about scarring. However, you can be confident when you come in for Asian eyelid surgery that the incision line made from the surgery will be hidden from view in the upper eyelid.
If you are interested in Asian eyelid surgery, schedule a consultation at Nuance Cosmetic Surgery in Folsom, CA. We would be happy to meet with you, discuss your aesthetic goals and determine if you are a good candidate for surgery. During the consultation, we want to get a thorough understanding of what it is you do not like about your appearance and then help come up with a plan that is tailored to your particular goals. Our office serves the Sacramento, CA and surrounding areas. Contact us today to book your appointment.