There are a lot of people out there who have one thing about their appearance that they are simply unsatisfied with. Many people who are unsatisfied with the way they look will complain about their nose. They say that it is too small, too large or they do not like the shape of it. Other individuals have a bump in their nose that they cannot ignore. Every time they look in the mirror or every time they see a picture of themselves, all they see is that big hump. If you are dealing with a large hump on your nose or some other problem with your nose, rhinoplasty may be for you.
Thanks to advances in the medical field, individuals can now change things about their appearance that they do not like. Rhinoplasty is a very popular procedure. First, it helps people to improve their nose by changing its size, getting rid of humps in it and taking care of other issues. Second, this is a safe procedure. It is one of the most commonly performed cosmetic procedures.
One of the things that you can do to help yourself decide if rhinoplasty is for you is to learn more about it by scheduling a consultation with us. We will examine the hump in your nose, look at your medical history and get a good idea of how you would like to look after the rhinoplasty procedure. From there, we can come up with a plan in order to help you reach your goals.
Most individuals are able to qualify for a nose job. Only individuals who experience severe health problems are usually disqualified. If you take medication, we will discuss the type of medication you take and make sure that you do not take anything that would interfere with surgery.
One of the things that you should be aware of is that you will need to take time to recover after rhinoplasty. However, you will be able to enjoy the full results of the surgery about a month after it has been performed. You will no longer see the hump in your nose, but instead you will see a smooth and more attractive nose.
At Nuance Cosmetic Surgery in Folsom, CA, most people who ask us about rhinoplasty are interested in the procedure for cosmetic reasons. They take advantage of procedures like rhinoplasty in order to improve their appearance. Gone are the days when an individual had a facial flaw and had to deal with it for the rest of their life. You can take control of your life and your appearance by learning more about rhinoplasty. Our office happily serves the Sacramento, CA and surrounding areas. Contact us today to schedule your consultation for rhinoplasty.