Is the way that your skin is aging making you feel self-conscious about your appearance? Are you looking for an effective way to look and feel younger? Our Restylane treatments at Nuance Cosmetic Surgery in Folsom, CA can help. Here are some of the benefits.
What Are the Benefits of Restylane?
Safe Treatment
All Restylane formulas use hyaluronic acid as the main ingredient. This is a sugar that is naturally present in various parts of your skin as well as your muscles, connective tissues, and eyes. Its main purpose is to provide volume and hydration to your skin by attracting moisture molecules.
Because this dermal filler uses an ingredient that’s already present in your body, it’s a very safe Restylane treatment to receive for almost anyone. When you choose our clinic, we’ll discuss your medical history to ensure that this is the right product for you.
Fill in Your Cheeks
Your cheeks naturally have a lot of volume. As you get older, you start to lose volume in all areas of your face. Because your cheeks are one of the most voluminous parts of your face, this loss is going to be particularly noticeable here, making you look older and in some cases gaunt and unhealthy.
If this isn’t a change to your appearance that you appreciate, consider getting injections of this dermal filler. It will put the volume that you’ve lost back into your cheeks, lifting them and helping them look as round and full as they did in your youth.
Get Rid of Your Jowls
The changes that you see in your skin are caused by a combination of volume loss as well as a loss of elasticity. This makes it hard for your skin to fight against gravity, which is why you’ll start to see sagging in areas like your jawline.
The formation of jowls can make you feel self-conscious. But if you get this injectable in your cheek area, it will lift your sagging skin and get rid of your jowls. By doing this, you’ll also add more definition and smoothness to your jawline.
Get Rid of Smile Lines
Have you noticed parallel lines forming between your nose and your mouth? These wrinkles are most commonly referred to as smile lines, laugh lines, or by their more technical term, nasolabial folds. Because your mouth is such a mobile part of your face, these wrinkles are some of the first to appear as you age.
Are you unhappy with the way they’ve changed your appearance? You can significantly reduce them by getting injections of this filler in the area. Adding more volume will smooth out your wrinkles. Hyaluronic acid also stimulates collagen production, helping your skin to stay more elastic.
Fill in Your Lips
The way your lips look will have a huge effect on your overall appearance. If you have very thin lips and you don’t like the way they make you look, or if you have uneven lips, then this injectable can help.
Restylane can add more volume to your lips making them appear fuller and plumper for a much more youthful appearance. You can also even out asymmetrical lips or simply make your lips appear more defined. If you have any lipstick lines, or wrinkles on your lips, this filler will smooth them out.
Keep Your Eyes Looking Bright
The skin around your eyes is more delicate than the skin on other areas of your face, which means that signs of aging can have a heavy impact here. As you lose volume, you might notice your eyes looking hollower, and dark circles appearing.
This can make you look not only older and constantly tired, but you may end up looking unhealthy, too. This dermal filler is a great way to put the lost volume back into the area, making your eyes look brighter and more youthful overall.
Prepare Easily
When you get certain cosmetic treatments, you may need to spend a lot of time preparing for your treatment beforehand. Some of these preparations can be quite extensive and time-consuming. But when you get this treatment, it will be easy to prepare for your appointment. We’ll provide you with all the instructions you need before your appointment.
All you’ll need to do is be mindful to avoid a few things in the days leading up to your injections. You should stay away from anything that could act as a blood thinner, including alcohol, tobacco, ibuprofen, and certain supplements like fish oil.
Fast and Easy Treatment
The treatment process itself for this filler is also very simple. When you arrive at our clinic, we’ll do everything we can to ensure that you feel welcome and comfortable. Before applying the product, we’ll prepare your skin by thoroughly cleaning it and then marking the areas where you’ll get the injections.
To help you stay comfortable, we can also apply a topical numbing cream to the areas. Once your skin is ready, we’ll begin the injections. You’ll get small amounts of the product at a time to ensure accuracy. Most appointments take less than an hour, and you can leave as soon as yours is done.
Low-Maintenance Aftercare
For some cosmetic treatments, you may need to expect a long and uncomfortable downtime. This is especially true with things like surgery. But you may not want to have to deal with taking time off work or avoiding your daily activities while you recover from your treatment.
If you’d like something lower maintenance but still effective, consider getting this treatment. Recovery after getting this injectable is fast and easy. Over the next week or so, simply avoid things like direct sunlight, extreme temperatures, and strenuous physical activity.
Natural-Looking Results
Some people avoid cosmetic treatment despite feeling self-conscious about their appearance because they’re worried their treatment will look fake or unnatural. If this sounds like you, you might be worried about having to deal with awkward questions or comments from the people in your life.
But if you get this treatment, you can easily avoid all that. We’ll make sure that your results look completely natural. It’s also easy to customize this treatment to fit your exact goals. No matter how subtle or dramatic you want your results to be, we’ll make sure you’re happy with your treatment.
Fast-Acting Results
If you’re unhappy with the way aging has changed your appearance, it makes sense that you’d look for a treatment option that will get you the results you want quickly. There are many different treatment options out there, but some of them can take longer than others to provide you with the results you want.
That’s not the case with this filler. As soon as it’s injected, the hyaluronic acid takes up space under your skin, providing your face with a naturally more voluminous appearance. Over the next week or so, your results will only improve.
Long-Lasting Results
Getting results quickly is important, but so is getting results that are going to last. There’s no dermal filler that can provide permanent results, but some fillers do last longer than others. If you are looking for something that can provide you with results that are really going to last, consider this injectable.
After treatment, most people get to enjoy their results for anywhere between 6 to 18 months. This depends on where you are getting your injections as well as how your skin reacts. Taking good care of your skin after your treatment will help your results last as long as possible.
Easy Reversal
Most people love the results they get after they receive their treatment, and enjoy the natural-looking and youthful appearance they have. But there are certainly some situations where people regret getting cosmetic treatments. For many of these treatments, you’d either have to deal with the permanent results or wait for the results to fade on their own.
If you get Restylane injections and decide before the results fade naturally that you don’t like how they look, we can easily reverse your results by injecting an enzyme called hyaluronidase. This will dissolve the hyaluronic acid and help you get back to your previous appearance.
Learn More Today
If you’re looking for an effective way to get back to a more youthful appearance, Restylane could be the perfect option for you. Our clinic will be more than happy to help you get the results that you’re looking for. Book an appointment today at Nuance Cosmetic Surgery in Folsom, CA.