As a man, a flat chest is supposed to be your natural physique. Unfortunately, that is not the case for you and so many others. Enlarged breasts are a problem for many men due to hormonal issues, undergoing hormone therapy for a variety of concerns or weight gain. It can happen at any point in your life.
When you have large breasts as a man, the only thing you want to do is hide. It can make you so self-conscious that it gets in the way of doing things that you really enjoy. Worst of all, your enlarged breasts could stop you from enjoying intimacy with your partner because you do not want your chest to be seen by anyone. If the size of your breasts is bringing you down, consider a male breast reduction.
Reclaim Your Body with a Male Breast Reduction
You can bring back your masculine contours with a little help from our plastic surgeon’s talented hands. When you choose a breast reduction, excess breast tissue will be eliminated. If there is a problem with excess fat, this can be removed as well.
Once you are approved to go home from your outpatient procedure, you will have instructions that you should follow carefully. Avoid strenuous activities and take care of yourself. Give yourself time to heal and you will be able to reap the benefits of a male breast reduction before you know it.
Regain Your Confidence Again and Live the Life You Want to Live
To put it simply, a male breast reduction can enhance your life. It will do more than give you the physique that is natural for a man. You’ll find yourself feeling confident again. You won’t need to conceal your chest with large, baggy clothing. Enjoy intimacy without large breasts getting in the way with your partner. Jump back into the activities you always loved to do. Your breasts won’t be causing any problems for you anymore.
Talk to Our Plastic Surgeon About a Male Breast Reduction
You’ve suffered long enough with enlarged breasts. It’s time to take action. Seek help from our experienced plastic surgeon Dr. Sumida at Nuance Cosmetic Surgery. When you come in for your consultation at our office in Folsom, CA, our board-certified plastic surgeon can examine your breasts and explain how a male breast reduction can work for you. This is your opportunity to have a complete understanding of what you can expect with a male breast reduction.
Nuance Cosmetic Surgery proudly serves the Sacramento, CA and surrounding areas. Contact us today to schedule a consultation for a male breast reduction.