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Are You a Good Candidate for Blepharoplasty?

Blepharoplasty, or eyelid surgery, tightens the skin and removes the excess fat in the upper eyelid, lower eyelid, or both. Our talented plastic surgeon can use meticulous techniques to deliver natural-looking results and preserve or even improve the functions of the lid.

Successful blepharoplasty concerns itself with how much tissue remains after surgery to ensure that the lower eyelid maintains a smooth, natural transition to the upper cheek, while the upper lid appears in harmony with the eyelid platform and brow. Of course, the success of blepharoplasty also boils down to strict patient selection.

Do You Have Excess Skin and Fat in Your Eyelids?

If you have age-induced loose skin in the upper and lower lid, you might be a good candidate for blepharoplasty. Meanwhile, the drooping appearance of the eyelid is further aggravated by weakened muscles and ligaments, which may cause the fat pockets to herniate and appear more prominent. Consequently, the surgery may also involve tightening of muscles and/or removal or redistribution of fats.

Does Your Drooping Upper Lid Affect Your Visual Function?

While blepharoplasty is more commonly viewed as cosmetic surgery, not many people are aware that it can also improve one’s peripheral vision. This is particularly true for someone whose upper lid skin droops considerably such that it covers some part of the iris. Moreover, blepharoplasty has been known to eliminate irritation caused by excess skin rubbing together.

Are You Healthy?

Elective plastic surgeries such as blepharoplasty require that you are physically fit. Hence, many surgeons require their patients to pass lab screening prior to surgery. To further ensure patient safety, our doctor will also ask you to avoid smoking and using other tobacco products. Studies have shown that smokers are poor candidates for almost all types of plastic surgery because they heal much more slowly than the general population. But if you’re a smoker, you may still safely undergo blepharoplasty if you can adhere to complete smoking cessation before and after the surgery.

Do You Have Realistic Goals and Expectations?

The right candidates for blepharoplasty, or any other types of elective surgery, are those with realistic goals and expectations. Emotional stability is a prerequisite for any elective or cosmetic surgery. This means that you should only get blepharoplasty if you want it for yourself, not because someone else wants you to have it.

To learn more about what makes someone an ideal candidate for blepharoplasty, consult the experts at Nuance Cosmetic Surgery in Folsom, California. To get started with plastic surgery in the Sacramento, CA area, contact us today and schedule your initial consultation.

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