The marks of time are most noticeable on your face, your calling card to the world. No matter how conscientious you are about taking care of yourself with an excellent skincare regimen and healthy lifestyle, you can’t stop the years from marching on. As they do, obvious changes are going to appear. You’ll see lines and wrinkles settling in, especially around your mouth, eyes and on your forehead. Hollows may appear in your cheeks or beneath your eyes. Your face can lose volume and the skin can begin to sag.
Folsom and Sacramento, CA residents have several options when you want to fight the signs of aging. You can opt for a facelift, but that will mean a more involved surgical procedure and a longer recovery time. You can try dermal fillers, but they are not permanent and you may have a reaction, not to mention they may not look natural. Fat injections are a great alternative that is growing in popularity to restore the fullness of your face, smoothing away those aggravating lines and wrinkles as well.
How Do Fat Injections Work?
Tap into excess fat in your own body in order to provide yourself with a natural solution to visible signs of aging on your face. In order to have injections, our plastic surgeon will need to remove unwanted fat from your body. Typical spots that are ideal for fat harvesting include the buttocks, the thighs, the abdomen, and the upper arms. If you have some extra fat on your body, fat injections are a possibility for you. You will need to undergo a minor surgical procedure to allow our surgeon to perform liposuction. Once the fat has been suctioned out of your body, it needs to be purified. The purified fat will then be injected into your face.
Give Yourself the Gift of a More Youthful Appearance
Our plastic surgeon will choose areas that can be enhanced with fat injections. Injections can be used to restore volume most anywhere that you have hollows. You can also have fat injected into the fine lines and wrinkles to have a smoothing effect. You may have fat injected around your mouth or even into your lips if you need to plump up your lips and get rid of lines around your mouth. The results will look and feel natural. Best of all, you’ll make good use out of pesky fat that has been hanging on to another part of your body.
Learn More About Fat Injections and Facial Enhancement
The best source of information concerning fat injections is a member of the Nuance Cosmetic Surgery team. During your consultation at our office in Folsom, we will evaluate your face and will pinpoint your trouble spots and find areas that are best for fat harvesting.
If you live in the Folsom, Sacramento, El Dorado Hills, Orangevale, Fair Oaks and surrounding areas, then get ready to turn your pesky body fat into healthy fat for your face. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.