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Who Is a Good Candidate for Breast Augmentation?

breast augmentation

Whether you are contending with the loss of breast volume after breastfeeding or you have asymmetrical breasts, there are several reasons why you may consider a breast augmentation procedure. Breast augmentation with breast implants can help you enhance the size and shape of your breasts. Learn more about what it takes to be a good candidate for this procedure before you schedule a consultation at Nuance Cosmetic Surgery in Sacramento, CA.

Who Is a Good Candidate for Breast Augmentation?

To qualify for any plastic surgery procedure, you must meet several basic medical requirements. For example, you must be in good general health to withstand general anesthesia. To determine your health, you may need to complete certain labs and examinations to assess your cardiovascular and respiratory health. Other qualifications to be a good candidate include:

You Have Completed a Mammogram

Along with a physical examination, you will likely need to complete a mammogram before a breast augmentation procedure. A mammogram is usually ordered to get a baseline measurement of your breast health before you have an augmentation procedure. If you’re using implants to enhance the size and shape of your breasts, it’s important that your doctor has a mammogram that can be used for comparison.

Ultimately, this is essential for your breast health. More likely than not, you have already completed your required mammogram since this test is usually ordered every one to three years based on your age and risk factors for developing breast cancer.

You Are Not Pregnant or Breastfeeding

To qualify for an augmentation procedure, you must not be currently pregnant or breastfeeding. There are a few reasons for this. For example, pregnant women cannot use general anesthesia unless under extraordinary circumstances since this may affect the fetus’s health. Furthermore, pregnant women will naturally experience changes in the size and shape of their breasts due to hormones and milk production.

As for breastfeeding, it’s best to wait until you are no longer breastfeeding since milk production will cause your breasts to swell. Additionally, although you should be able to breastfeed after an augmentation procedure, it’s usually best to wait until you are no longer breastfeeding for at least three months.

Your Breasts Are Fully Developed

It’s also important that your breasts are fully developed. In general, augmentation procedures are not approved for women younger than 18. Your breasts will usually start development during puberty and may continue to develop into your 20s based on your genetics and your lifestyle.

You Have Realistic Expectations

You must have realistic expectations about your procedure. Most surgeons will not agree to increase your breast size by more than two cups since this can create unnatural-looking results. Because the goal of your augmentation will be to produce natural-looking results by restoring breast symmetry or subtly increasing volume, you must have aesthetic expectations that line up with these goals.

You Are Dissatisfied With Breast Appearance

Finally, you may be a candidate for breast augmentation procedures if you’re dissatisfied with your natural breast appearance. Women who are dissatisfied with the appearance of their breasts may be experiencing low volume, an elongated shape of the breasts, or asymmetry. Augmentation increases the overall size or volume of the breasts, so if you want to reduce the size of your breasts, you will need to consider a breast reduction procedure instead.

What Is the Average Age for Breast Implants?

Although you can have an augmentation procedure for the breasts between the ages of 18 and 60, the most common age range for this procedure is 30 to 40 years old. On average, women in their mid-30s are most likely to have breast implants or an augmentation procedure. These women include new mothers who have recently stopped breastfeeding.

What Choices Will You Need To Make for Your Procedure?

There are several choices you will need to make for your procedure. You will work closely with your plastic surgeon to make decisions about the type of augmentation procedure that is right for you, the implant material used to achieve your goals, the size and shape of the implants, and the placement of the implants. All of these choices will directly affect the final outcome of your augmentation procedure.

Implant vs Fat Transfer

Although breast implants are the most common form of breast augmentation, if you want to enjoy natural-looking or subtle results, you may consider an augmentation with a fat transfer. This is a procedure that graphs fat from another area of your body, such as your abdomen, to increase breast volume by at least one cup.

That said, people who want to correct the symmetry of the breasts or alter the elongated shape of the breasts will typically fare better with an implant procedure. This is because implants allow for more customization and are more appropriate for women who have loose natural breast tissue.

Implant Material

When it comes to implant material, your two main choices are saline and silicone implants. Both of these implant materials are safe, but the different textures will ultimately determine how natural your breasts feel and how much volume you can achieve with your implants. You may also have the choice of a gummy bear material, which is the material that most closely mimics the natural texture of the breast.

Implant Size and Shape

Implant size and shape are very important factors to consider. As mentioned previously, most implants are designed to only increase your breast size by one to two cups for the most natural-looking results. The shape of your implants will truly have the biggest impact on your final results. Round implants tend to produce a higher breast profile, while teardrop implants have a more natural-looking appearance.

Implant Placement

Finally, you will need to choose the implant placement that is best for you. You’ll have the choice of placing the implant above the pectoral muscle or below the pectoral muscle. It’s usually easiest to place the implant above the pectoral muscle into the natural breast tissue. However, your lifestyle may determine that placing the implant below the pectoral muscle is better for you.

What Is Recovery Like?

The total recovery timeline after a breast augmentation procedure is four to six weeks. It’s important to follow all of your aftercare instructions during your recovery so that your results can develop as desired. You will usually have to attend one or two follow-up appointments during your recovery.

Complete Rest Period

The first one to two days after your augmentation procedure will include total bed rest so that your body can start the healing process. During your complete rest period, you will need to pick a comfortable location in your house and recline on your back. It’s best to move around for a few minutes every few hours to keep your blood circulation healthy and expand your lungs.

During this time, it may be a good idea to have friends or family around to help with child-rearing, housework, and meal preparation. Some people may prefer to spend this period at the hospital for convenience.

Work and Movement Restrictions

Most women will take one to two weeks off of work after an augmentation procedure. After this time, if you work a desk job, you may be able to go back to work or resume working from home. For those who have jobs that involve lifting and straining, it may be necessary to continue to take time off work for another two weeks or so.

Additionally, you will have many movement restrictions, which means you will need to avoid lifting anything greater than two to five pounds, straining movements, or intense exercise for at least four to six weeks. Exercise such as walking is encouraged.

Compression Garments

During the first four to six weeks after your procedure, it’s recommended that you wear compression garments or high-support sports bras to facilitate the healing of your breasts. Compression garments should be worn at least 20 to 22 hours a day. You should only remove a compression bra for bathing or wound dressing.

Enhance the Appearance of Your Breasts

The way a woman feels about her breasts can affect her self-confidence. Fortunately, surgical procedures such as breast augmentation can enhance your breast appearance and help you feel more confident about yourself. If you think you may be a good candidate for this procedure, get in touch with Nuance Cosmetic Surgery in Sacramento, CA to schedule your consultation today.

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