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What Does a TCA Chemical Peel Do?

A TCA chemical peel can address a wide range of skin issues, including signs of aging, acne scars, and sun damage. This treatment removes the damaged layers of your skin and reveals the healthier, blemish-free layer underneath. Today, our experts at Nuance Cosmetic Surgery in Folsom, CA will discuss how this treatment works and what it does to improve the appearance of your skin.

What Does a TCA Chemical Peel Do?

A TCA chemical peel is formulated with trichloracetic acid, a substance known for its ability to target deep blemishes and wrinkles. We use trichloracetic acid to perform shallow, medium, or deep peels, in which more skin layers are removed for more dramatic, visible results. The treatment can be used to fade away scars, improve your skin tone, and smooth away your wrinkles.

We can customize your chemical peel according to your skin condition and aesthetic concerns. A TCA peel uses chemical exfoliation to eliminate dead skin cells from your target area and minimize the appearance of acne scars, dark spots, and signs of skin damage and aging. After the treatment, a healthier, blemish-free layer of the skin resurfaces.

What Are the Benefits of a Chemical Peel?

Getting a chemical peel can help you visibly improve the appearance of your skin. We usually perform TCA chemical peels to treat skin issues on the face and neck, but we can also perform this treatment on other areas of the body including the legs, arms, and chest, or other areas that are prone to direct sun exposure.

We can customize the strength of your chemical peel to help you achieve your desired goals while making sure that you enjoy a smooth and relaxing treatment experience. Here are the noticeable improvements in your skin that you can expect after getting a TCA chemical peel:

How Do TCA Chemical Peels Work?

Trichloracetic acid gives you smoother, blemish-free skin by breaking down keratin proteins on the surface of your skin. As keratin on your skin breaks down, your skin begins to lighten and peel away over the next few days. The peeling process allows your skin to get rid of layers of damaged skin and reveal smoother, more youthful skin underneath. We can customize your treatment to target the deeper layers of your skin to address moderate to severe issues.

The strength of the trichloracetic acid used in your treatment determines the depth of your chemical peel. If you need to see subtle improvements in your skin, we can use lower concentrations of trichloracetic acid. However, if you want to significantly improve your skin condition, a higher concentration may be used. Light peels are recommended for minor issues such as hyperpigmentation. If you want to treat sun-damaged skin or minimize signs of aging, you may need a stronger peel.

What Is the Treatment Process?

Initial Consultation

To get started, you must schedule an initial appointment with our team. We will ask about your general medical history and your current skincare routine. To determine the right treatment plan for you, we will examine your current skin condition and discuss your treatment goals. We will then recommend the right type of chemical peel or skin treatment that’s most suitable for your concerns. You’ll receive a personalized treatment plan and a schedule for your next appointment.


To prepare your skin for your chemical peel, we may prescribe you medications such as a retinoid cream. You may also need to make lifestyle adjustments such as avoiding direct sun exposure, stopping waxing, and avoiding the use of exfoliating products. Your skin must be in its healthiest condition so you can achieve the best results from your treatment.

If you are getting a medium or deep peel, we may advise you to take painkillers or sedatives before you undergo treatment. By doing so, you can be comfortable and relaxed during your treatment. It’s also a good idea to have someone drive you home after a deep chemical peel, so you can focus on relaxing after your appointment.

Treatment Session

To start your treatment, we will first use a gentle cleanser to make sure that your skin is free of skincare products, excess dirt, and oil. When your skin is completely clean, the chemicals used in your peel will distribute evenly across your skin. We may use a local anesthetic to prepare your skin for a deep chemical peel.

Next, we will carefully apply the chemical solution to your target areas. We may use a brush or a cotton pad to perform this step. The chemicals will rest on your skin for several minutes until they are completely absorbed. You may feel mild sensations during this part of the process. Finally, we will apply a neutralizing solution to remove the chemicals in your skin before a healing ointment is applied. The entire process takes about an hour.

What To Expect After the Treatment

To ensure that your skin heals properly after your chemical peel, we will provide you with aftercare guidelines. It’s important to follow these guidelines to ensure that you get the best results from your treatment. Some of our post-treatment instructions may include:

How Long Does Healing Take?

Because a chemical peel removes the damaged, topmost layer of your skin, you can expect to undergo a brief recovery period. Your skin will feel sensitive and need extra care during the first few days of your recovery period. During this time, you must limit your activities and keep your treated areas free of irritation. We recommend that you refrain from applying makeup until your skin has fully recovered.

It can take up to two weeks for your skin to fully recover after a TCA chemical peel. Once your new skin has resurfaced, you may resume your normal activities. However, you’ll need to continue taking good care of your skin by avoiding direct sun exposure and wearing sunscreen.

When Will You See the Results?

The results of your chemical peel will be noticeable as soon as your skin has finished going through the peeling process. Once your skin has completely healed, you’ll notice visible improvements in your appearance. You’ll see a more even skin tone, with less visible pores, fine lines, dark spots, and scars. And by keeping up with your skincare routine, you’ll maintain a brighter complexion and smoother skin texture.

How Long Do the Results Last?

The longevity of your results can be determined by the strength of your peel. If you are expecting more visible, longer-lasting results, a stronger peel might be more suitable for you. Your age, skin condition, and lifestyle choices can also affect how long your results will last. Generally, a TCA chemical peel offers results that remain visible for at least one month.

Getting a chemical peel does not stop the aging process, but it can give you long-lasting results and help you maintain smooth, clear, and blemish-free skin for as long as possible. We recommend that you get light or shallow peels every four to six weeks to maintain your results. Medium depth peels can be done every six months, while deep peels may only be done once.

Are You a Good Candidate for a Chemical Peel?

Chemical peels are non-invasive treatments that can be suitable for people of all ages and skin types. However, we carefully consider your skin type, color, and condition when personalizing your treatment. Those with deeply-pigmented and sensitive skin are not recommended to get deep and stronger chemical peels. Light peels and medium-depth peels may be more suitable for those who do not wish to undergo extended downtime.

If you are looking for a powerful treatment that can minimize visible signs of aging, blemishes, and damaged skin, you may be a good candidate for our chemical peel treatments. If topical skincare products do not help you achieve your desired results, and you do not wish to undergo more invasive procedures, a chemical peel can be the perfect next step in your skincare journey.

Achieve Brighter, Smoother Skin Today

Are you wondering whether a chemical peel near Sacramento, CA can solve your skin concerns? Contact Nuance Cosmetic Surgery in Folsom, CA to schedule a consultation with our experts today. We will carefully listen to your concerns to make sure that you get the personalized treatment that you need.

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