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How Is a Brazilian Butt Lift Done?

While exercise is one way to improve the appearance of your buttocks, sometimes that doesn’t give you the results you’re looking for. One way to enhance the look of your buttocks and boost your self-confidence is to have a Brazilian butt lift performed. Our expert team at Nuance Cosmetic Surgery in Folsom, CA are standing by to tell you everything you need to know about this popular new treatment.

How Is a Brazilian Butt Lift Done?

This procedure has the double effect of slimming down unwanted fat from your figure and giving you a curvier, more attractive buttocks. This procedure is sometimes referred to by its shorthand name, a BBL. A BBL enhances the aesthetics of your buttocks by using your body’s own fat cells to sculpt and enhance the area.

Removing Fat Cells

The first step to a BBL is to use liposuction to remove excess fat from a part of your body. In order to harvest these fat cells, we’ll use a gentle suctioning method during this first step of the procedure. The thighs, hips, or abdomen are some common places that patients choose to remove fat from, but we’ll work with you to decide what area works best for your desires. Because these fat cells come from your own body, they’ll look completely natural once used to further enhance your figure.

Sculpting Your Buttocks

Once fat cells have been removed from another region of your body, the next step is to use those cells to contour your buttocks to the size and shape you desire. The extracted fat cells are first purified and cleansed before they are carefully injected into your buttocks to improve its appearance to match your aesthetic goals.

How Should I Prepare for This Procedure?

When you come in for your first consultation about the procedure at our Folsom office, we’ll go over everything you should expect and the adjustments you’ll need to make prior to receiving your treatment.

Your First Consultation

Think about the improvements you would like to make to your figure prior to coming in for your first appointment with our team. Tell us about the goals you have for your aesthetic, such as if you would like to show off more symmetrical buttocks or slim your stomach area. We’ll also need to know about any similar procedures you’ve had done in the past, such as a tummy tuck or liposuction. Discuss any allergies or other underlying medical issues you have with our team, as well. 

Once your medical history is covered, we’ll also analyze the size, shape, and condition of your buttocks during this consultation. Photographs and measurements may be taken to reference later to give our team a clearer image of how the procedure will be performed. We’ll also address any concerns or questions you have regarding your treatment plan so that you can be confident in the process ahead of you.

Before Your Procedure

There are a few steps to take to prepare for your Brazilian butt lift, including not taking certain types of herbal supplements or anti-inflammatory drugs. Prior to your procedure, we also advise that you cease smoking or using other tobacco products. Cigarettes and other nicotine products can create an obstacle for your post-procedure recovery process. 

In the day leading up to your appointment, we may also require you to stop eating or drinking for a certain time. You will also need to arrange for transportation home from our office, since you won’t be able to drive after receiving anesthesia for the procedure. You’ll be able to head home after just a brief observation period while we watch your reaction to the BBL.

What Will the Recovery Period Be Like?

While you’re adjusting to the BBL, you should expect to briefly take a break from your job as well as other activities. Everybody’s recovery period will be different depending on your unique health, but most people will be able to return after about two weeks.

Using a Compression Garment

We will give you a special compression garment to wear once we have completed the procedure. This garment assists your tissues’ ability to heal by applying gentle pressure to the area affected by your treatment. We recommend wearing this garment for several weeks after completing your procedure. Our professionals can provide you with a more specific timeframe during your appointment.

Abstain from Heavy Exercise

Avoid challenging physical activities such as lifting weights or participating in exercise classes during the recovery process. Rest and relax to let your tissue heal as efficiently as possible. Afterward, you’ll be able to return to your normal physical routine with a body that lets you be more confident in yourself and your appearance.

Keeping Your Buttocks Protected

Avoid putting any sort of intense pressure on your buttocks for two weeks following your procedure. It is best if you sit on your side or on your stomach while you are watching television, reading, or sleeping. We will most likely advise you to use a specialized type of pillow to protect your buttocks when you sit down once the recovery process has begun. Most patients have adequately recovered by the two-month mark to begin sitting normally once again.

Who Is a Good Candidate for a Brazilian Butt Lift?

Anybody who has a small or sagging buttocks may be an ideal candidate for this procedure. A BBL can also help anybody who would like to improve the symmetry of their buttocks. Changes in your body that resulted from losing a large amount of weight can also be corrected with this procedure. You may not be a good candidate if you are very thin because we will need to use excess fat cells in your body to contour your figure. 

Underlying health conditions can also interfere with this treatment, such as heart disease, diabetes, or other significant health issues. There may also be other aesthetic techniques we recommend if you plan on trying to lose a considerable amount of weight in the years following your treatment.

How Long Will Results Last?

Anybody looking for long-term results that will withstand the test of time will be pleased with the lasting results a BBL provides. Extra fat from your thighs, abdomen, or other areas of your body can be permanently removed during the liposuction step of this procedure. The larger, more rounded shape of your buttocks will also last for a lengthy period of time as well. 

However, it’s important to note that large-scale changes to your weight may alter the appearance of all aspects of your figure, including your buttocks. A healthy diet and a regular exercise program can help you maintain the contoured, attractive look your BBL achieves.

What Amount of Fat Will Be Transferred During the Procedure?

The amount of fat that we transfer can vary because your BBL will be customized to your unique needs as an individual. The amount of fat the treatment uses will be decided by a number of factors, from the condition of your buttocks and your size to your particular cosmetic goals. Our team will be able to tell you more about the amount of fat that will be transferred by the procedure once we get to know your aesthetic goals better and assess your body’s condition. 

Multiple procedures may be advisable if you’re looking to achieve especially significant changes to your body. Additional fat can be transferred during a subsequent Brazilian butt lift to further improve the results you get from your first treatment.

How Long Before Results Appear?

Immediately after your procedure is complete, your buttocks will have a larger, more rounded appearance that you’ll enjoy. Results will continue to improve as your body’s tissue begin to naturally absorb the fat cells that were transferred to the area. Everyone will react differently to this treatment, but most people will typically see the finalized results appear within about four months or so.

Get The Figure of Your Dreams

The twofold benefits of a Brazilian butt lift make it an attractive option for a wide variety of people with all sorts of aesthetic goals. You’ll see a reduction in unwanted body fat on targeted areas of your body, as well as an fuller, rounder appearance to your buttocks. If you’re in the Folsom, CA area and you’re curious about the benefits this procedure can offer you, contact Nuance Cosmetic Surgery today to request an appointment with our team of professionals.

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